All schools can and should be places where students’ strengths are leveraged to empower authentic learning. Since 2015, the Special Education Leader Fellowship (SELF) has developed leadership and expertise in K-12 spaces as a means of ensuring all students receive an excellent education by providing a continuum of programs and training services across every level of the school-based talent pipeline. We work shoulder to shoulder with educators to empower schools to create welcoming and effective communities that enable all students to achieve their fullest potential – especially students with disabilities.
Positive findings from a recent three-year evaluation of SELF’s programmatic efforts shows that investing in training and supporting school-based leaders in special education (SPED) and response to intervention (RTI) can result in systemic change that improves outcomes for young people. In the white paper, SELF Leadership Fellows Program Produces Bright Spots in Challenging Times, McREL International measures the impact of this intensive, two-year cohort experience on current and aspiring special education (SPED) leaders. The evaluation revealed three key findings:
- There was a positive retention rate of SELF Fellows in their current positions. 72% of Fellows in school-level positions remained at their original school during the second year of their program. The retention rate of Fellows who are educators of color was notably high, ranging from 80% to 100% across cohorts 5-7.
- Despite the disruption of COVID-19 and Hurricane Ida, the SELF program was successfully delivered. A majority of Fellows agreed that the SELF program has given them useful knowledge and skills in their roles, and many reported that they had been able to make improvements to their school’s SPED/RTI systems and processes as a result of their participation.
- SELF Fellows improved their leadership competencies and exemplified the eight SPED leadership domains in their school or district contexts. Qualitative data revealed that Fellows felt that the SELF program increased their leadership skills, special education knowledge and skills, and access to resources – improving their ability to better support students and teachers in their schools.
“The Leader Fellowship significantly impacted my personal and professional development. Without the programming and 1:1 coaching from SELF, I can say that I would not have been as knowledgeable about special education and would have been ill-prepared to handle the coaching and development of my student support team.”
– Charlene Carthon, SELF Leader Fellowship Cohort 3
We know that a vision of excellence in special education programming is needed now more than ever. In recent years, schools and districts across the country have faced numerous challenges— including persistent achievement gaps, high levels of teacher attrition, and a lack of professional development opportunities—as they strive to deliver high-quality educational experiences to students with exceptionalities. Special education (SPED) leaders in particular face a documented lack of accessible, effective training in special education best practices and laws, resulting in leaders who in many cases are underprepared to support SPED teachers or to advocate and support students with exceptionalities.
SELF remains dedicated to our transformational work in New Orleans and partnership with charter and traditional public schools in seven states, and we are hopeful that these promising findings will inspire a ripple effect within many more districts and schools as they seek to build upon their continuum of programs and services to accelerate the development of SPED educators across the school-based talent pipeline. Continued support of our work will help SELF reach more special educators and students with disabilities across the country so that ALL children can learn, grow, graduate, and launch successful careers.
Read the SELF Leadership Fellows Program Produces Bright Spots in Challenging Times white paper, or get in touch with the SELF Team to learn more about partnering with us to support all students.